Bancuri vechi dar bune...

Dicutie intre 2 blonde
One blonde asks another "Which is further, London or the Moon?".
The other replies: "HELLOOOOO, can you see London from here?????!!!!!"

Discutie intre un sobolan si un hamster
A hamster and a rat were sitting on the side of a swimming pool. They were enjoying the sun.
Suddenly the rat turned to the hamster and asked him:
Dude, How come people consider me a noisance, and you a pet? How come people pay money to have you, while they are trying to kill me? How come you are considered a cute little animal, while I am considered creepy and disgusting? How come you live in a warm home, and I have to stay in the sewer?
So the hamster answered:
"It's branding, dude."

Sotia catre sot:
- E buna ciorba?
- Ai chef de cearta?

Soacra vine acasa si spune: - Astazi am fost la coafor.
Ginerele: - Si nu era deschis?

Stewardesa Tarom catre un calator:
- Doriti cina?
- Ce pot sa aleg?
- Da sau nu

Este adevarat ca in urma dezastrului de la Cernobal toata conducerea centralei atomoelectrice s-a sinucis? A: Da, in afara secretarului de Partid, care nu a fost gasit acasa!

In avion, dupa ce s-au oprit motoarele la 10.000 de metri altitudine:
- Stimati pasageri, va rugam sa ramaneti pe locurile dumneavaostra, pentru a usura identificarea... Multumim


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