10 dintre cei mai buni jurnalisti din lume sunt si pe twitter

AnnCurry - new york
Journalism is an act of faith in the future.
Ana Marie Cox TEHRAN There is no such thing as adventure. There's no such thing as romance. There's only trouble and desire.
David Gregory - Washington, DC Host of NBC's Meet the Press
John Dickerson Washington,D.C. Political correspondent, Slate/Analyst CBS News
Greg Mitchell New York City area Editor of 'Editor and Publisher' magazine. Author of 9 books, latest 'Why Obama Won.' Photographer. Former editor at legendary 'Crawdaddy.'
Scott Simon Washington, DC Host of NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday
Jack Gray New York City Producer/Writer for Anderson Cooper 360
Anderson Cooper New York A behind the scenes look at “Anderson Cooper 360°” and the stories it covers, written by Anderson Cooper and the show’s correspondents and producers.
Nicholas Kristof New York Times columnist, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner
George Stephanopoulos Washington, DC ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent and Host of This Week

sursa : http://www.cyberjournalist.net/top-10-most-influential-journalists-on-twitter/


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