Finger Tips - Finding the G Spot

In a 2001 article in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pace University Professor Terence Hines claimed that the G spot is a myth. Although the spot eluded Dr. Hines (we feel sorry for his wife), it need not be for you. The G spot is not really a spot; it is really a ridge of erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra and the para-urethral glands, and stimulating it leads to powerful orgasms, often including the ejaculation of copious amounts of fluid in many women. Although G spot is a modern term, coined by a Western gynecologist, it was described in Indian erotic texts written more than a millennium ago.

The G Spot is located in the upper, front part of the vagina, just behind the pubic bone, about a finger’s length inside, and in fact, using a finger or fingers (not the penis) is the most effective way to stimulate it.

Before you begin exploring this area, it is important to keep a few things in mind and have a few supplies on hand.

The first rule of thumb (actually fingers) is to take it slow. One of the most common mistakes people make is to start stimulating the G Spot before the woman is sufficiently aroused. Women have as much erectile tissue as men; it is just distributed differently – among the G Spot, the clitoris, the labia and the pelvic floor. It also takes longer to become engorged. Stimulating the G Spot before arousal has created a cushion that will cause the urethra to be pressed directly against the pubic bone. This sensation is irritating at best and can often be quite painful. The best way to avoid any irritation is to give her a lot of external genital massage or oral sex so that she has at least one clitoral orgasm before you begin exploring internally.

It’s important have plenty of water- or silicon-based lube within reach. You may also want to place a bath towel under her. Ask her if she is ready before your begin to insert your middle finger (once you’ve located the G Spot, you may find that stimulating her with two fingers is more effective, but this depends on the individual). When she indicates that she is, gently rest your fingertip on the opening of her vulva and feel if her body is opening and pulling you inward. Follow her direction. Once inside, allow your hand to rest as she takes a few deep breaths; observe her responses, respiratory rate, skin tone, and the texture of the inside of her vagina. Developing the capacity to observe your partner is one of the keys to becoming a better lover, and maintaining your focus is particularly important when stimulating her G Spot.

Sursa:Debonair Magazine


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